Monday, September 15, 2008

Soccer! And Alex's Last Day.

Alex left a day before us, but the day he left we managed to go to a Bologna soccer game! Bologna recently entered Serie A and we were very excited to see them live...or at all. They played against Atalanta and, while Atalanta proved to be the better team, we enjoyed the commotion of the Italian spectators around us. We heard obcenities that i had not uttered or heard in years! It was fantastic! Italians certainly have a way with words.

A little pre-game shooting.

Pezzo di merda! (piece of shit); Testa di cazzo (dick head); Va a cagare! (go take a shit); Va fa' un bagno (go take a bath); Ma va a fa'un culo; (fuck you, kind of); Cretino! (cretin); and much much more!

The game begins! Bologna ends up playing terribly and losing 1-0, but it was so much fun just being there!

Immediately after the game we put Alex on a train to Milan where he will spend the night in a hotel and flight back the states in the morning. Bye Alex!!!


Anonymous said...

Alex! Long time, no see! I will never forget your Borat impression!

Adventure Pups said...

Well, I suppose going to an actually game is slightly better than watching on sunday mornings...but at least until your next visit you get to watch the game from a comfortable seat and with home-made coffee :)