Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Lieth in Edinburgh

No I'm not still in Edinburgh! In my effort to try to keep this blog chronological, I'm still posting about Edinburgh. However, I am now back in Bologna and the rest of my family has arrived! The great thing about having two more people here is that my father is now distracted and working with my brother and my mother is busying herself in the house, cleaning up and generally making it more comfortable since we lived like ANIMALS while they were not here. No we didn't. It just feels that way when you see your mother cleaning sheets, cleaning up, rearranging things that are so obvious you wonder how you ever survived here without her. But the great thing is that I can sneak away to update the blog because I am SEVERLY behind and it's due in part to the dial up connection and to the fact that it was just my father and I for four weeks.

Alright, so one day we took a walk to lovely Leith which is by the water (not sure of the spelling). We walked along Leith Walk (the street name) which on the way to this area boasts many restaurants and bars of different ethnicities. It is a great area, still a bit grungy and not yet taken over by the Edinburgh yuppies. I loved it and so did Meghan, we spent the rest of the day trying to convince Jacob that they should move there.

The happy couple on the way to Leith.

A lovely cemetary!

Cute gate with garden.

We had a lot of fun with these dragon sculptures...
More fun with dragons.


Lovely shot once we arrived to Leith of canal that lead to open water.

A great reward of seafood chowder and muscles! delicious! Oh and some chips of course.

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