Friday, August 29, 2008

The Fringe Festival

I wrote earlier about the Fringe Festival and how it is an amazing gathering of artists from all over world. Their talents cover all walks of life and the festival houses thousands of shows. While Meghan and Jacob were working, I managed to catch five shows. Four were comedy shows and the fifth was an autobiographical one-woman show that just took my breath away. More on that later!

Here is just one example of the many venues that were being used around the city.

The performers also acted short bits of their shows in order to entice spectators to purchase tickets for their show.

An urban beach! This was the location of yet another Fringe Festival venue.

This is one of the largest venues of the festival. Because this particular location housed many stages, it made it easier to just show up and find show to go see.


Anonymous said...

It's not that we were ignoring the festival. We were seeing it vicariously through you.

Anonymous said...

The last one is an upside down cow! How cool is that?