Wednesday, March 24, 2010

We are IN!!!!!!

It has been a long, short road to where we are today. I have to say that everyday, we both can't wait to just go back home and spend time in our new apartment. I have to keep the closet door next to me open during the night just so that I feel more closed in, because the bedroom feels very large! I'll get used to it! We attended our first shareholder's meeting last night, it was an experience. Anyway, here are the pictures that detail the completed work, albeit our myriad boxes scattered everywhere. We'll get to those too...

It was a race to the finish as our contractor was finishing to install the counter top and faucet as the movers were starting to bring in the boxes and furniture!

Here is the finished product! This view is from the window at the end of the kitchen looking toward the island which sits where the wall that we removed used to be!

Here is the right side of the island. Check out our pantry...this may look familiar to some people. It used to be our coat closet in our old apartment! We integrated it into the design and it works really well!

Here is the left side of the kitchen. Here you can kind of see where the sink is (which is enormoujs!) and our new faucet! AND, our dishwasher - I still have to learn how to use it.

View of the kitchen from the island! We are already congregating here more than in any other part of the apartment!

For those of you who have been diligently following this blog (Bular? Crickets?), you may remember that the bathtub and sink were a horrible maroon color. We had them reglazed for the time being while we muster up the courage, and the money, to upgrade the bathroom. We are now terrified of dropping anything near them for fear of cracking the glaze (which is too easy to do)

Here is the front area taken from the living room. At this point we are just showing off our mess of boxes!

And here is the living room, which will be the last room we unpack!


Unknown said...

looks great ladies!! can't wait to congregate at the island with you! :)

jay wes said...

Looks good! My wife and I took on a renovation of our on. Check it out- My Big Green Renovation