Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Almost done!

I can't believe we are almost done! Here are the latest picture which show that nearly everything has been installed and how well the apartment has been "sewn" back together. The last THREE (yes just three!) things to be done are: 1. Refinish the floors (happening today and tomorrow) , 2. Glazing of the bathroom sink and tub (happening right now!), and 3. installation of the kitchen and island countertop, sink and faucet which will happen on Friday and possibly Saturday. Saturday is moving day!

Here is the kitchen again, now you can see that it is nearly complete, just anxiously awaiting the counter top and sink.

Here is the kitchen again from a different angle. I can't wait to hang out at the island!

Here is the bedroom - you can still see all the dust on the floors. New ceiling fan too!

View from the front door to the bedroom - again so much dust!

View from front door to living room

View from living room looking toward the front door and island. One of the features we are most proud of is that we made every single light in the apartment dimmable! Something we've always wanted, yeah!

Living room! Check out our new fan!

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